
“of what matter is a little water in one’s boots, when seeking the Gardens of the Gods? ”  –Grace Greylock Niles


Bog Trotters Press is an imprint for projects by Allison W. Bell and Maida Goodwin.

Allison W. Bell is a graphic designer, photographer, and naturalist.  She is the coauthor, photographer, and designer of Field Guide to the New England Alpine Summits (Appalachian Mountain Club, 3rd edition, 2014), Adirondack Alpine Summits: An Ecological Field Guide (Adirondack Mountain Club, 2007), and 85 Acres: A Field Guide to the Adirondack Alpine Summits (Adirondack Mountain Club, 1993).  She is a regular presenter on and author of articles on natural history topics.

Maida Goodwin worked for 30 years at the Sophia Smith Collection (Women’s History Archive) at Smith College.  She is a regular presenter on and author of articles on women’s history, horticulture, and natural history topics



Glorious Mountain Days  Incredible chance brought together letters and photographs by Harriet E. Freeman and Emma Cummings, made during a week-long tramp across New Hampshire’s Presidential Range in July 1902.

Grace Greylock Niles research project  Intrigued by the 1904 book Bog Trotting for Orchids, Allison dreamed up the idea of exploring Grace’s life and revisiting the places she described so poetically.  The resulting research took us far and wide, and uncovered an astounding story.


Snow Birds

by  Allison W. Bell During these cold snowy days, I find it especially pleasant to be reminded of verdant mountain summers—by feathered friends. Here in western Massachusetts, flocks of dark-eyed juncos are common visitors to birdfeeders in winter. By late April, however, they will disperse to their breeding grounds in coniferous or mixed-coniferous forests in …


order books:  https://www.bondcliffbooks.com/

email address:  info@bogtrotterspress.com

mailing address:

PO Box 288

Whately, MA 01093


Allison and Maida are available for talks about our projects.